A Greek island has been named the best destination for watching a shower of shooting stars

The evening of August 12 ended this spectacular phenomenon – the spectacular shower of shooting stars. According to the publication of Time Out, which highlighted the five best destinations to enjoy the spectacle, the result came after a study that examined the weather conditions and the criteria that will offer you this experience.

Of course, seeing the Northern Lights is on most of our bucket lists, but a shooting star shower also makes for an amazing sight and may not require you to wear seven layers of clothing or travel to an icy place!

August 12 is the night NASA predicts the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower (which is actually active from July 17 to August 24), meaning tonight is your best chance to watch it.

Cruise company Fred.Olsen analyzed light pollution, weather conditions and Tripadvisor reviews of various locations to compile a list of the best spots on the coast to observe the phenomenon – and here it is.

The Greek island that was awarded as the best destination to see the shower of shooting stars

First up is Rhodes which stood out thanks to low light pollution and an average of only 20% cloud cover, making it a great clear-sky destination. Perfect if you’re already on holiday in the sun Greece right?

At second and third place there are two destinations in Croatian. The first of these is the island of Hvar, specifically the coastal town of Jesla, which is recognized by the International Dark Sky Association as an official stargazing location. Korčula takes third place, thanks to its low light pollution and altitude – see the rest of the list below.

Here are the five best destinations to view the Perseid shooting star tonight:

  • Rhodes, Greece
  • Hvar, Croatia
  • Korčula, Croatia
  • Kusadasi, Turkey
  • Agadir, Morocco

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