How Orange Cyberdefense helps businesses protect themselves through their campuses

How Orange Cyberdefense helps businesses protect themselves through their campuses

Located in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), a few hundred meters from the port, the Campus an orange Cyber ​​defense tends to be discrete. Over 1100 m2 105 cybersecurity experts divide their specialties (ethical hackers, engineers, analysts, auditors, etc.) to help companies in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corsica and Monaco, regardless of their size, prevent , detect or respond to … Read more

The lack of cyber securitytalent is a thorn in the side of French companies

The lack of cyber securitytalent is a thorn in the side of French companies

72%: this is the share of companies internationally who believe that the lack of cyber security talent creates more risks for their company (70% in France). A figure emerging from report “Global Security Skills Gap Report”, published by the American company Fortieth which publishes cyber security software, services and equipment. Companies are more vulnerable to … Read more

S3NS enters the SecNumCloud qualification process

S3NS enters the SecNumCloud qualification process

S3NS, a company co-founded by Thales and Google in June 2022 announced that the National Agency for Security of Information Systems (Anssi) has accepted the introduction of its “trusted cloud” offer in SecNumCloud Qualification Process. More precisely, the joint venture received the so-called stage ‘J0’ and aims to finalize qualification in the summer of 2025. … Read more

Three months after its release, the Rabbit R1 already has security flaws

Three months after its release, the Rabbit R1 already has security flaws

The I’m starting Californian Rabbit created a small sensation last January in Las Vegas, during the Consumer Electronics Show (THOSE). She was there introduced its small R1 box, featuring an operating system designed around a natural language interface. The size of a stack of Post-its and ultra-light weight (115 grams), this small device was presented … Read more