Creature, the fantasy novel of a 15-year-old author!

When reading the first volume of Creatureyou would not guess that the author is only 15 years old. The richness of the universe, the depth of the characters, the plot building… We quickly realize that Marie L. Reynal has a boundless imagination, but also an already known know-how to tell a story.

In this wise fantasy, it all begins in the ice and frost realm of Christelia. A prophecy falls on the royal family: Ivy, the daughter of Princess Freya, will destroy the kingdom. To avoid disaster, she is banished, taking her sister and her terrible mother with her.

➥ At what age did you start writing?

When I was little, I already liked to write fairy tales and illustrate them. But from the age of 11 I started writing longer stories. Before the first volume of CreatureI had already written four novels that I wasn’t trying to get published.

➥ And for your first published novel, how did it go?

I was 14 when I started writing the first volume. So I wanted to get an outside perspective to know how to improve this story. I sent it to Le Passeur to ask their opinion and their response was that they wanted to publish it!

➥ Why did you choose the fantasy genre?

What I love about fantasy is that it has no boundaries. We can let our creativity do the talking. Just imagine it and write it down! Then inspiration comes from everywhere, from my dreams, from the music I listen to, from my travels or from reading.

➥ How do you organize yourself to write a novel when you’re 15?

I write mainly on Wednesday afternoons, weekends and school holidays. But priority still remains my studies! Then I set production goals with a quota of pages to write. I try to organize myself well. I write down all my ideas in notebooks.

➥ And how did the family and others react?

Everyone in my family knew I had written a book, but I didn’t show it to anyone. Not even my mother was allowed to read it before it was printed! Then I only told my close friends about it.

➥ And what’s next, do you know how the Creature saga will end?

I am currently writing the second volume, which I am currently finishing. In total, I plan four or five volumes. But I already know how the story will end. Everything is already written in my notebooks, which I arrange in my room!

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