The digital campaign to promote Thessaloniki has ended

The digital campaign of the Municipality of Thessaloniki promoted the city as a shopping destination in the city with 1.3 million views.

His digital campaign has ended successfully Municipality of Thessaloniki in collaboration with Tourist organization in Thessaloniki in order to promote the city as a shopping destination destination during the sale period.

The two agencies created a promotional video for the digital campaign, which was translated into 4 Balkan languages ​​(Serbian, Bulgarian, Albanian and Romanian) and promoted in all digital media of the Municipality and OTTH, as well as in the target markets in the Balkans, scoring a total of more than 1, 3 million views. This result is a typical example of efficient use of available resources, as the entire campaign was realized with the same OTTH funds.

The purpose of the action is to benefit the commercial and business world of the city from the tourist traffic coming from the Balkan countries to Thessaloniki, but also to nearby destinations.

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