In cyberspace, Airbus takes aim at Infodas, while Atos..

Athos hoped replenished its coffers by selling its Big Data & Security branch to Airbus for €1.5 billion. The takeover candidate finally turned around last week, without further details.

However, Airbus has not given up on developing its cybersecurity offering. This goal is also included in his strategic road map. Proof that its ambition has not been questioned, the group formalized a merger in this critical sector.

A more modest acquisition than BDS

Airbus Defense & Space has announced that it has reached an agreement with a German IT security consultancy and classified data solutions provider: Infodas. Based in Cologne, the company has 250 employees for an annual turnover of 50 million euros.

With Infodas, therefore, Airbus is choosing a more reasonably sized acquisition in terms of both cost and integration complexity. The French group can also count on synergies by adding IT and cybersecurity solutions for the public sector to its portfolio, “especially for defense and critical infrastructure”.

“In the face of exponential cyber threats and the increasing digitization and connectivity of its products and systems, cyber security is central to Airbus’ development,” emphasizes the industrialist.

Airbus also specifies that it has “continuously developed its cybersecurity capabilities and expertise” in recent years. The technology and expertise is intended to strengthen its own security as well as that of “major programs” including the Future Combat Air System (FCAS).

€3.4 billion in losses for Atos in 2023

Through Infodas, Airbus is also strengthening its position as a trusted player in Germany. The company is actually certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the German counterpart of Anssi, as a provider of IT security services in the field of information systems auditing, consulting and penetration testing.

The German player also provides a set of solutions: SDoT Security Gateway. This is approved for classification levels up to Secret. “The products are also certified according to the Common Criteria and have other country-specific certifications,” notes Airbus.

As for Atos, which would like to persuade the European group to replenish its coffers, the news is not so encouraging. Like announced yesterday ESN publishes its results completed for 2023. And the losses are heavy: 3.4 billion euros.

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