What can cause nose and ear bleeding during a flight

nosebleeds and on bleeding Ear pain is likely to occur during a long-haul flight and can be caused by a variety of factors. The main causes are changes in atmospheric pressure and humidity, various diseases, but also stress.

During flight, the aircraft often has to change abruptly altitude. Changes in air pressure due to turbulence, load sinus and ear pressure. The Eustachian tubes, whose role is to protect the eardrum, do not have time to regulate and equalize the pressure in the ear. An event that can cause pain or even eardrum rupturecausing bleeding. The pressure can at the same time affect the sensitive the blood vessels of the nasal cavityleading to nosebleeds.

At this point, bleeding can be scary, especially from the ear, because it is preceded by severe pain. If the pressure is too great, the ears, by bleeding they find a way to release the pressure and align with the environment. The good news is that deafness is not caused. Hearing may be affected for one to two weeks, but will recover completely without special treatment. Most of the time there is no serious cause for concern. Of course, in such cases you should always consult and visit your doctor.

Dry air, lack of moisture in the airplane cabin is another factor. As the altitude increases, the humidity decreases, which dehydrates the mucous membranes of the nose and ear, making them more vulnerable. If the traveler suffers from any ear disease or respiratory infection the situation worsens as the cavities are already loaded. Passengers with high blood pressure they are also more prone to in-flight bleeding. The sudden stress and anxiety may cause a temporary increase in blood pressure and possibly bleeding.

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